How even TikTok videos can contribute to the growth of your online store

Did you think that you can only upload professionally planned and edited videos to TikTok, Instagram and Facebook? You were wrong. Because it's often videos that aren't so well produced that get the attention they deserve.

And what about your ads and your target group? Listen to this new episode of the "Conversion Hacker" podcast and get a lot of new information that could take you and your online store to the next level.


Hello, my name is Jörg Dennis Krüger, and, as my window cleaner at reception has already said:

Yes, I am the conversion hacker. 

And today's edition of the Conversion Hacking Podcast is all about the ideal Facebook ads, and Instagram ads. And TikTok ads? Well, TikTok definitely needs to be a video, we agree. And there are also a lot of people out there who say for Facebook and Instagram, it has to be video too. Really? 

Target group is the second major topic. Who is actually my target group? How do I find them? Do I simply look for them through the things I sell in my store? So, if I sell mugs, is my target group people who are interested in mugs? Or is my target group the people I sell T-shirts to who are interested in clothes? Does that work? Does it work with just one target group? How much budget do I actually have to spend to make my ads really successful? 

These are all great questions that I am constantly asked and where you can actually give very clear answers. I need 50 sales a week so that Facebook, Instagram or Metter can learn properly and not be impaired during the learning phase. 50 sales times what a sale costs us, so let's say around 20 to 30 percent of our sales price of the respective product, maybe even 40 percent at the beginning. Yes, and then we actually know how much we need. So if our advertising costs €100 and we say, "Okay, we need to spend around €40 for every sale we generate and we need to generate 50 sales a week from that". Then we take 40 times 50, that's 2000, and then we need 2000 € budget per week. It's quite simple. 

Well, how can we spend less money? We can of course make sure that we reduce it a little, because Facebook doesn't necessarily need 50 sales. And if the learning phase is limited, it's not so bad. So we can divide it by two, then we have 1000. And we can divide it by two again, 500, but for a product that sells for €100, we need that €40, then I wouldn't go below €500 a week. If we divide that by seven, then we know where we need to be per day, and it's not that high. 

But you can calculate the budget to some extent, because it's basically all math in the whole ad area. It's about throwing things in, then collecting data, evaluating, calculating and so on. And we've already made the budget clear, which is roughly where our budget should be. 

How do we make the ads? Quite simply, we define certain ad groups for our target groups. We need a good concept of how to find the target groups so that they are not too small and not too large. I've had relatively good experiences with targeting the right influencers or the right publications. And don't be afraid if you have to extend the whole thing to the English-speaking world because you can't find the German influencers or German publications.

Facebook is already smart enough to implement this properly and to cover the German media accordingly. And then we do the same for other target groups, such as competition or perhaps interests and so on. But we have to break this down well so that we can optimize. Even if Facebook complains "Please combine these ad groups with each other, then you'll get more sales for less money". Of course you can do that, but then we just throw everything in, then we can also simply place "no target ads" (which don't address any target group). 

It's a valid strategy, you could also say to Facebook, "Deliver this to whoever you want, as long as I get sales in". It's not so great for a startup because Facebook then has to spend far too long testing until the right target group is there. You can do that if you have enough data and pixels. But I wouldn't do that for the time being. 

First of all, define a few target groups properly, not too many and not too few, and then include different targeting accordingly. But if you can still see what kind of targeting works, it's great of course. Very important: don't forget retargeting.

You can also try to do something with "lookalikes". It can work, but it doesn't have to. It depends on the target group, but that's why we do this set-up. We put a bunch of ads in each of these ad groups so that we can simply try them out while the learning phase is running. Because then we can switch the ads on and off again and again during the learning phase, and we learn bit by bit what really works. 

And let's come back to the beginning and try out videos, short, medium or long. We should try out texts on pictures, pictures without texts. Perhaps we should also try out a carousel or some kind of meme. Or simply a video that has nothing at all to do with the actual product, just creates attention so that people will read it. Then we need texts that we should formulate directly and indirectly in order to see what suits the target group best. And then a big puzzle is building up right now. 

So we have different target groups. Then we have different ad elements, so we see more traffic and Facebook tries it out, we also look in every two days and then switch ads on and off. We shouldn't run more than three or four ads per ad group at the same time, because we might have around 50 in there to test out. 

And if you do this, you'll be surprised how much you learn about your target group, your ads and so on. This is because a structured approach like A/B testing ensures that you try out things that you wouldn't normally try out. Because you say in your head, no, that won't work anyway. Do it anyway and then you'll see what works. And funnily enough, often things will work well that you never expected, and then you can use that to produce new images, new advertising media and so on. 

And even on TikTok, now that we know this, we can only work with videos, and it's worth trying out very different videos. Because videos that don't look so great, that aren't so perfect, can sometimes work well because that's just TikTok. 

They don't have to be super-produced videos where you only see one person, beautifully lit, with an appropriate background, saying something to the camera. It can be anything, because it has to be interesting. First of all at first glance, it has to arouse interest, and then the message has to be there and so on. So a whole lot is possible, even if you test it properly. 

And last point, target group - TikTok: the TikTok target group is aging faster than you can imagine. I would now really advise every store to try out TikTok advertising, because that's where everyone is. And with proper targeting, you can reach the right target group (in most cases). You should try it out accordingly.

So to summarize:

-Right strategy for the ads

-Structure the whole thing really well

-Try out all channels 

And then continue to work in a data-driven way, and then it will work really well. If you want to know this in detail, make an appointment with my team and I and we can talk about how we can work together to implement a strategy like this in your store. 

Don't forget: Follow me on Instagram and Facebook, Jörg Dennis Krüger, and don't forget: Give me five stars on Spotify, iTunes or wherever you listen to your podcast. 

I'm very happy about that. So all the best, and see you next time!

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